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People of ZuMUN

1) We approached the delegate of China in the WHO, Sofía, who made several standout speeches in her committee and asked her a few questions. This is how it went:

Spanish omelette with or without onion (the question is funnier in Spanish)?

–  without

Three favourite things in life? Hobbies, activities, etc.

–  Languages (she speaks a staggering 6 languages!), horse riding, spending time with friends

One change you’d like to see in this world:

– Less xenophobia

Your dream?

– Serve the Kingdom of Spain as a diplomat


2) We had a fun conversation with Victoria from the organising committee, who has worked tirelessly to ensure that you and I have a good conference and asked her a few questions. This is how she responded:

Pizza with or without pineapple?

– With. I like the combination of salty and sweet.

Three favourite things in life? Hobbies, activities, etc.

– The ocean and many things connected to it like water sports, sailing, etc. I also like books and chemistry!

One change you’d like to see in this world?

– I wish people would care more about others. We all care about ourselves but seldom think about how our actions impact others.

Your dream as a child?

– I wanted to become an astronaut. It was unchartered territory and a way to make a difference. I also wanted to become a human rights lawyer and help make the world a better, more equal place.

If you could write a letter of advice to your pre-Zu(Zoom)MUN-self, what would you say?

– I’d say that it doesn’t have to be perfect all the time. Come to think of it, many people who might not have been able to travel to Zurich have taken part in the MUN!


3) We also got together with Matthieu, Marie Louise, Nora and Yagmur, the amazing and distinguished members of the IPC to ask them the same set of profound questions. Read on to see what they had to say:

Pizza with or without pineapple?

– Matthieu: without

– Marie-Louise: with!

– Nora: definitely without

– Yagmur: without

Three of your favourite things in life?

– Matthieu: cheese (especially soft cheese), I’d like to thank Alain Berset for reopening the bars, the “jaja ding dong” song, play the 10-hour version at parties.

– Marie-Louise: computer science, chocolate, cats.

– Nora: media, cheese (especially the Luzerner Rahmkäse), plants (Julius, Vivienne and Eve inter alia)

– Yagmur: la lengua española, plants (Scotty, Mona and James inter alia), lovely people

One change you’d like to see in this world:

– Matthieu: more kindness and cheaper train tickets

– Marie-Louise: stopping the polarization along political lines, more actual problem solving

– Nora: better working conditions for journalists, more people standing up for journalists

– Yagmur: better access to proper healthcare for everyone

Your childhood dream?

– Matthieu: archaeologist

– Marie-Louise: paleontologist

– Nora: postwoman

– Yagmur: beeaaches

If you could write a letter to your pre-Zu(Zoom)MUN-self, what would you say?

– Matthieu: do my laundry on time

– Marie-Louise: read all of the study guides, keep an open mind, have fun

– Nora: bring my pyjama pants

– Yagmur: to not be worried that press in an online format is less fun

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