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WIPO moves forward

The WIPO committee’s task is no small one, Open Access and Open Source Publishing and the Academia of the 21st Century, the type of puzzling conundrum that tends to let unsatisfying status quo roam free. However, the 20 delegates present affirm all their determination to not let the worst of their instincts win. The approach chosen to tackle the issue is as simple as one can think of but undoubtedly efficient, subdividing the problem into more approachable blocks and letting subcommittees deal with them. Just as parliamentary commissions would do, this strategy is a reminder for all participants that problem-solving is not only about substantive debate but also about practical organisational matters.

Once this stage passed, as it happened this afternoon, the work is brought together in a single proposition for final adjustments. This is not to say that the debate has not been heated at some point, some noticeable exchanges took place between the delegation of Israel and Sweden. Nonetheless, the numerous unmoderated and moderate caucuses seem to have a fruitful and filtered conflict of opinions. It then appears that, as asked during Friday’s press conference by yours truly, the WIPO committee will be able to pass a resolution by consensus.

Picture: Mehmet Ali Turan, Pexels

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